ASTM A887-20

ASTM A887-20

juin 2020
Norme En vigueur

Standard Specification for Borated Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Nuclear Application

This specification covers chromium-nickel stainless steel plate, sheet, and strip, modified by the addition of natural or enriched boron, for nuclear application. The austenitic chromium-nickel steels shall be solution annealed to meet the mechanical property requirements. The chemical analysis of representative material shall be performed to determine the required percentage of chemical elements. The tensile and hardness property requirements of the materials are presented. In the case of sheet or strip produced in coil form, two or more hardness test; one impact test, when required; and one or more tension test shall be made on specimens taken from each coil. In the case of sheet, strip, or plate produced in cut lengths, one tension test; one impact test, when required; and one or more hardness tests shall be made on each 100 or less pieces of the same heat and nominal thickness rolled separately or continuously and heat treated within the same operating period, either as a lot or continuously.

Informations générales


Normes américaines ASTM

Date de publication

juin 2020

Nombre de pages

0 p.


ASTM A887-20

Indice de classement

Standard Specification for Borated Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Nuclear Application

This specification covers chromium-nickel stainless steel plate, sheet, and strip, modified by the addition of natural or enriched boron, for nuclear application. The austenitic chromium-nickel steels shall be solution annealed to meet the mechanical property requirements. The chemical analysis of representative material shall be performed to determine the required percentage of chemical elements. The tensile and hardness property requirements of the materials are presented. In the case of sheet or strip produced in coil form, two or more hardness test; one impact test, when required; and one or more tension test shall be made on specimens taken from each coil. In the case of sheet, strip, or plate produced in cut lengths, one tension test; one impact test, when required; and one or more hardness tests shall be made on each 100 or less pieces of the same heat and nominal thickness rolled separately or continuously and heat treated within the same operating period, either as a lot or continuously.

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