ASTM B23-20

ASTM B23-20

septembre 2020
Norme En vigueur

Standard Specification for White Metal Bearing Alloys<brk/> (Known Commercially as &#x201c;Babbitt Metal&#x201d;)

This specification deals with eight typical white metal bearing alloys, in bar or ingot form, known commercially as "Babbitt metal." Covered in this specification are tin-based alloys, namely, UNS-L13910 (alloy no. 1), UNS-L13890 (alloy no. 2), UNS-L13840 (alloy no. 3), and UNS-L13870 (alloy no. 11); and lead-based alloys, namely, UNS-L53585 (alloy no. 7), UNS-L53565 (alloy no. 8), UNS-L53346 (alloy no. 13), and UNS-L53620 (alloy no. 15). Materials shall be manufactured in accordance with such practice as to obtain the chemical composition, weight, and dimensions as prescribed herein.

Informations générales


Normes américaines ASTM

Date de publication

septembre 2020

Nombre de pages

0 p.


ASTM B23-20

Indice de classement

Standard Specification for White Metal Bearing Alloys (Known Commercially as “Babbitt Metal”)

This specification deals with eight typical white metal bearing alloys, in bar or ingot form, known commercially as "Babbitt metal." Covered in this specification are tin-based alloys, namely, UNS-L13910 (alloy no. 1), UNS-L13890 (alloy no. 2), UNS-L13840 (alloy no. 3), and UNS-L13870 (alloy no. 11); and lead-based alloys, namely, UNS-L53585 (alloy no. 7), UNS-L53565 (alloy no. 8), UNS-L53346 (alloy no. 13), and UNS-L53620 (alloy no. 15). Materials shall be manufactured in accordance with such practice as to obtain the chemical composition, weight, and dimensions as prescribed herein.

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