ISO 22381:2018

ISO 22381:2018

septembre 2018
Norme internationale En vigueur

Security and resilience - Authenticity, integrity and trust for products and documents - Guidelines for establishing interoperability among object identification systems to deter counterfeiting and illicit trade

This document gives guidelines for establishing interoperability among independently functioning product identification and related authentication systems, as described in ISO 16678. The permanent transfer of data from one system to another is out of the scope of this document. It also gives guidance on how to specify an environment open to existing or new methods of identification and authentication of objects, and which is accessible for legacy systems that may need to remain active. It is applicable to any industry, stakeholder or user group requiring object identification and authentication systems. It can be used on a global scale, or in limited environments. This document supports those involved in planning and establishing interoperation.

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Informations générales


Normes internationales ISO


Management et performance, QSE, Sécurité, Développement durable et RSE

Date de publication

septembre 2018

Nombre de pages

20 p.


ISO 22381:2018

Codes ICS

03.100.01   Organisation et gestion d'entreprise en général

Numéro de tirage

Security and resilience - Authenticity, integrity and trust for products and documents - Guidelines for establishing interoperability among object identification systems to deter counterfeiting and illicit trade

This document gives guidelines for establishing interoperability among independently functioning product identification and related authentication systems, as described in ISO 16678. The permanent transfer of data from one system to another is out of the scope of this document.

It also gives guidance on how to specify an environment open to existing or new methods of identification and authentication of objects, and which is accessible for legacy systems that may need to remain active.

It is applicable to any industry, stakeholder or user group requiring object identification and authentication systems. It can be used on a global scale, or in limited environments. This document supports those involved in planning and establishing interoperation.

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