ISO 37159:2019

ISO 37159:2019

mai 2019
Norme internationale En vigueur

Smart community infrastructures - Smart transportation for rapid transit in/between large city zones and the surrounding areas

This document specifies a procedure to organize smart transportation that enables one-day trips by citizens between cities and in a large city zone, including its surrounding areas, and conveys a large number of people at a high frequency in a short time over distances of up to 1 000 km. Smart transportation aims to promote political and economic work and stimulate business activity by providing citizens with a manner of travel to complete a return trip from their home or place of work to destinations outside their cities on the same day. However, this document does not designate a procedure for constructing smart transportation facilities. NOTE "One-day trip" means travel from an origin to a destination and back to the origin on the same day. The purpose of such travel is out of the scope of this document.

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Informations générales


Normes internationales ISO


Développement durable et RSE

Date de publication

mai 2019

Nombre de pages

9 p.


ISO 37159:2019

Codes ICS

03.220.01   Transport en général
13.020.20   Économie de l'environnement. Durabilité

Numéro de tirage

Smart community infrastructures - Smart transportation for rapid transit in/between large city zones and the surrounding areas

This document specifies a procedure to organize smart transportation that enables one-day trips by citizens between cities and in a large city zone, including its surrounding areas, and conveys a large number of people at a high frequency in a short time over distances of up to 1 000 km.

Smart transportation aims to promote political and economic work and stimulate business activity by providing citizens with a manner of travel to complete a return trip from their home or place of work to destinations outside their cities on the same day. However, this document does not designate a procedure for constructing smart transportation facilities.

NOTE "One-day trip" means travel from an origin to a destination and back to the origin on the same day. The purpose of such travel is out of the scope of this document.

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