NF ISO 37122
Sustainable cities and communities - Indicators for smart cities
This document specifies and establishes definitions and methodologies for a set of indicators for smart cities. As accelerating improvements in city services and quality of life is fundamental to the definition of a smart city, this document, in conjunction with ISO 37120, is intended to provide a complete set of indicators to measure progress towards a smart city. This is represented in Figure 1.
This document specifies and establishes definitions and methodologies for a set of indicators for smart cities.
As accelerating improvements in city services and quality of life is fundamental to the definition of a smart city, this document, in conjunction with ISO 37120, is intended to provide a complete set of indicators to measure progress towards a smart city. This is represented in Figure 1.
1 Domaine d'application
2 Références normatives
3 Termes et définitions relatifs aux villes
4 Indicateurs urbains
5 Économie
6 Éducation
7 Énergie
8 Environnement et changement climatique
9 Finance
10 Gouvernance
11 Santé
12 Logement
13 Population et conditions sociales
14 Loisirs
15 Sécurité des personnes
16 Déchets solides
17 Sport et culture
18 Télécommunication
19 Transport
20 Agriculture urbaine/locale et sécurité alimentaire
21 Planification urbaine
22 Eaux usées
23 Eau
24 Rapports et tenue des registres
- Annexe A Correspondance entre les indicateurs de l'ISO 37122 et les domaines d'action et finalités de l'ISO37101
- Annexe B Mise en correspondance des indicateurs de l'ISO 37122 avec les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) des Nations Unies (2015)
- Bibliographie
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