NF ISO 6521-1
Lubricants, industrial oils and related products (Class L) - Family D (compressors) - Part 1 : specifications of categories DAA and DAB (lubricants for reciprocating and drip feed rotary air compressors)
This document specifies the minimum requirements for mineral or synthetic based lubricants intended for use in reciprocating and drip feed rotary air compressors (vane compressors) with the compression chamber(s)/cylinders lubricated by direct lubricant injection. NOTE This document can be read in conjunction with ISO 6743-3[1].
This document specifies the minimum requirements for mineral or synthetic based lubricants intended for use in reciprocating and drip feed rotary air compressors (vane compressors) with the compression chamber(s)/cylinders lubricated by direct lubricant injection.
NOTE This document can be read in conjunction with ISO 6743-3[1].
1 Domaine d'application
2 Références normatives
3 Termes et définitions
4 Échantillonnage
5 Exigences
6 Spécifications
- Bibliographie
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