ISO 37154:2017

ISO 37154:2017

August 2017
International standard Current

Smart community infrastructures - Best practice guidelines for transportation

ISO 37154:2017 provides general guidance on the planning, design, development, organization, monitoring, maintenance and improvement process of smart transportation systems and infrastructures, which can help promote solutions for intra- and inter-city issues, i.e. for issues both within and outside the city that impact quality of life, the environment or any other areas of city performance. ISO 37154:2017 applies to transportation infrastructures used for the movement of people, freight or other goods, including items transported for delivery. ISO 37154:2017 is intended for use by city planners and other community decision makers, government officials, insurance providers, investment and financing organizations, transportation operators and service providers and manufacturers of transportation equipment. In particular, ISO 37154:2017 is intended to be used by those involved in making decisions about transportation modes to meet the objectives related to affordability, convenience, low environmental impact and reliability, while satisfying the needs of a diverse group of stakeholders, including city residents, visitors, government authorities, transportation operators. ISO 37154:2017 addresses smart transportation by considering the factors that shape communities, such as population, demographics, locations, local culture and history. It addresses the scope of services, features and objectives to be met through smart transportation solutions. ISO 37154:2017 does not contain technical specifications for the construction of transportation assets of facilities.

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Main informations


International ISO standards


Développement durable et RSE

Publication date

August 2017

Number of pages

24 p.


ISO 37154:2017

ICS Codes

13.020.20   Environmental economics. Sustainability

Print number

Smart community infrastructures - Best practice guidelines for transportation

ISO 37154:2017 provides general guidance on the planning, design, development, organization, monitoring, maintenance and improvement process of smart transportation systems and infrastructures, which can help promote solutions for intra- and inter-city issues, i.e. for issues both within and outside the city that impact quality of life, the environment or any other areas of city performance. ISO 37154:2017 applies to transportation infrastructures used for the movement of people, freight or other goods, including items transported for delivery.

ISO 37154:2017 is intended for use by city planners and other community decision makers, government officials, insurance providers, investment and financing organizations, transportation operators and service providers and manufacturers of transportation equipment. In particular, ISO 37154:2017 is intended to be used by those involved in making decisions about transportation modes to meet the objectives related to affordability, convenience, low environmental impact and reliability, while satisfying the needs of a diverse group of stakeholders, including city residents, visitors, government authorities, transportation operators.

ISO 37154:2017 addresses smart transportation by considering the factors that shape communities, such as population, demographics, locations, local culture and history. It addresses the scope of services, features and objectives to be met through smart transportation solutions. ISO 37154:2017 does not contain technical specifications for the construction of transportation assets of facilities.

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