NF EN ISO 10993-1

NF EN ISO 10993-1

July 2010
Standard Cancelled

Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 1 : evaluation and testing within a risk management system process

ISO 10993-1:2009 describes: the general principles governing the biological evaluation of medical devices within a risk management process; the general categorization of devices based on the nature and duration of their contact with the body; the evaluation of existing relevant data from all sources; the identification of gaps in the available data set on the basis of a risk analysis; the identification of additional data sets necessary to analyse the biological safety of the medical device; the assessment of the biological safety of the medical device.

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Main informations


National standards and national normative documents

Publication date

July 2010

Number of pages

35 p.


NF EN ISO 10993-1

ICS Codes

11.040.01   Medical equipment in general
11.100.20   Biological evaluation of medical devices

Classification index


Print number

2 - 01/08/2010

International kinship

European kinship

EN ISO 10993-1:2009
Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 1 : evaluation and testing within a risk management system process

ISO 10993-1:2009 describes:

  • the general principles governing the biological evaluation of medical devices within a risk management process;
  • the general categorization of devices based on the nature and duration of their contact with the body;
  • the evaluation of existing relevant data from all sources;
  • the identification of gaps in the available data set on the basis of a risk analysis;
  • the identification of additional data sets necessary to analyse the biological safety of the medical device;
  • the assessment of the biological safety of the medical device.
Standard replaced by (1)
NF EN ISO 10993-1
December 2020
Standard Current
Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 1 : evaluation and testing within a risk management process

This document specifies: — the general principles governing the biological evaluation of medical devices within a risk management process; — the general categorization of medical devices based on the nature and duration of their contact with the body; — the evaluation of existing relevant data from all sources; — the identification of gaps in the available data set on the basis of a risk analysis; — the identification of additional data sets necessary to analyse the biological safety of the medical device; — the assessment of the biological safety of the medical device. This document applies to evaluation of materials and medical devices that are expected to have direct or indirect contact with: — the patient's body during intended use; — the user's body, if the medical device is intended for protection (e.g., surgical gloves, masks and others). This document is applicable to biological evaluation of all types of medical devices including active, non-active, implantable and non-implantable medical devices. This document also gives guidelines for the assessment of biological hazards arising from: — risks, such as changes to the medical device over time, as a part of the overall biological safety assessment; — breakage of a medical device or medical device component which exposes body tissue to new or novel materials. Other parts of ISO 10993 cover specific aspects of biological assessments and related tests. Device-specific or product standards address mechanical testing. This document excludes hazards related to bacteria, moulds, yeasts, viruses, transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) agents and other pathogens.

Table of contents
  • Avant-propos
  • Introduction
  • 1 Domaine d'application
  • 2 Références normatives
  • 3 Termes et définitions
  • 4 Principes généraux applicables à l'évaluation biologique des dispositifs médicaux
  • 5 Classification des dispositifs médicaux
  • 5.1 Généralités
  • 5.2 Classification suivant la nature du contact avec le corps du patient
  • 5.3 Classification suivant la durée du contact
  • 6 Processus d'évaluation biologique
  • 6.1 Caractérisation de matériau
  • 6.2 Essais d'évaluation biologique
  • 7 Interprétation des données d'évaluation biologique et estimation biologique globale de sécurité
  • Annexe A (informative) Essais d'évaluation biologique
  • Annexe B (informative) Directives concernant le processus de gestion du risque
  • Annexe C (informative) Processus suggéré de revue de littérature scientifique
  • Bibliographie
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