NF EN ISO 17892-4

NF EN ISO 17892-4

January 2018
Standard Current

Geotechnical investigation and testing - Laboratory testing of soil - Part 4 : Determination of particle size distribution

ISO 17892-4.2016 specifies a method of determining the particle size distribution of soils. ISO 17892-4.2016 is applicable to the laboratory determination of the particle size distribution of a soil test specimen by sieving, or sedimentation, or a combination of both within the scope of geotechnical investigations. The particle size distribution is one of the most important physical characteristics of soil. Classification of soils is mainly based on the particle size distribution. Many geotechnical and geohydrological properties of soil are related to the particle size distribution. The particle size distribution provides a description of soil based on a subdivision in discrete classes of particle sizes. The size of each class can be determined by sieving and/or sedimentation. Coarse soils are usually tested by sieving, but fine and mixed soils are usually tested by a combination of sieving and sedimentation, depending on the composition of the soil. The sieving method described is applicable to all non-cemented soils with particle sizes less than 125 mm. Two sedimentation methods are described: the hydrometer method and the pipette method. NOTE ISO 17892-4.2016 fulfils the requirements of the particle size distribution testing in accordance with EN 1997-2.

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Main informations


National standards and national normative documents

Publication date

January 2018

Number of pages

41 p.


NF EN ISO 17892-4

ICS Codes

13.080.20   Physical properties of soils
93.020   Earthworks. Excavations. Foundation construction. Underground works

Classification index


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International kinship

European kinship

EN ISO 17892-4:2016
Geotechnical investigation and testing - Laboratory testing of soil - Part 4 : Determination of particle size distribution

ISO 17892-4.2016 specifies a method of determining the particle size distribution of soils.

ISO 17892-4.2016 is applicable to the laboratory determination of the particle size distribution of a soil test specimen by sieving, or sedimentation, or a combination of both within the scope of geotechnical investigations.

The particle size distribution is one of the most important physical characteristics of soil. Classification of soils is mainly based on the particle size distribution. Many geotechnical and geohydrological properties of soil are related to the particle size distribution.

The particle size distribution provides a description of soil based on a subdivision in discrete classes of particle sizes. The size of each class can be determined by sieving and/or sedimentation. Coarse soils are usually tested by sieving, but fine and mixed soils are usually tested by a combination of sieving and sedimentation, depending on the composition of the soil.

The sieving method described is applicable to all non-cemented soils with particle sizes less than 125 mm. Two sedimentation methods are described: the hydrometer method and the pipette method.

NOTE ISO 17892-4.2016 fulfils the requirements of the particle size distribution testing in accordance with EN 1997-2.

Replaced standards (3)
XP CEN ISO/TS 17892-4
August 2005
Standard Cancelled
Geotechnical investigation and testing - Laboratory testing of soil - Part 4 : determination of particle size distribution

Le présent document définit les termes employés et les paramètres mesurés, spécifie les caractéristiques de l'appareillage, fixe le mode opératoire et précise les résultats à présenter.

NF P94-056
March 1996
Standard Cancelled
Soil : investigation and testing. Granulometric analysis. Dry sieving method after washing.

Le présent document définit les termes employés et les paramètres mesurés, spécifie les caractéristiques de l'appareillage, fixe le mode opératoire et précise les résultats à présenter.

NF P94-057
May 1992
Standard Cancelled
Soils investingation and testing. Granulometric analysis. Hydrometer method.

La présente norme concerne la détermination de la distribution pondérale de la taille des particules de sols de dimension inférieure à 80 micromètres. Cette norme fixe la terminologie, l'appareillage et le mode opératoire relatifs à cet essai.

Table of contents
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  • 1 Domaine d'application
  • 2 Références normatives
  • 3 Termes et définitions
  • 4 Appareillage
  • 5 Procédures d'essai
  • 6 Résultats d'essais
  • 7 Rapport d'essai
  • Annexe A Étalonnage, maintenance et contrôles
  • Annexe B Pré-traitement des échantillons
  • Bibliographie
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