NF EN ISO 18541-2
Road vehicles - Standardized access to automotive repair and maintenance information (RMI) - Part 2 : technical requirements
This document includes technical requirements which are related to automotive repair and maintenance information (RMI) systems in order to standardize access to RMI for independent operators. This document specifies the minimum set of technical requirements related to a vehicle manufacturer's RMI system. These requirements will reflect the deriving needs from the use cases as specified in ISO 18541‑1. Furthermore, this document defines requirements for granting access to security-related RMI in Annex A following the SERMI scheme. This document is applicable to light passenger and commercial vehicles as defined in regulation (EC) 715/2007 Article 2 [15].
This document includes technical requirements which are related to automotive repair and maintenance information (RMI) systems in order to standardize access to RMI for independent operators.
This document specifies the minimum set of technical requirements related to a vehicle manufacturer's RMI system. These requirements will reflect the deriving needs from the use cases as specified in ISO 18541‑1.
Furthermore, this document defines requirements for granting access to security-related RMI in Annex A following the SERMI scheme.
This document is applicable to light passenger and commercial vehicles as defined in regulation (EC) 715/2007 Article 2 [15].
ISO 18541-2:2014 includes technical requirements which are related to automotive repair and maintenance information (RMI) systems in order to standardize access to RMI for independent operators. ISO 18541-2:2014 specifies the minimum set of technical requirements related to a vehicle manufacturer's RMI system. These requirements will reflect the deriving needs from the use cases as specified in ISO 18541‑1.
- Avant-propos
1 Domaine d'application
2 Références normatives
3 Termes et définitions
5 Aperçu général et principes des exigences
6 Ensemble d'exigences 1 - Administration des données relatives à l'accès
7 Ensemble d'exigences 2 - Architecture TI
8 Ensemble d'exigences 3 - Interfaces externes
9 Ensemble d'exigences 4 - Infrastructure technique
10 Ensemble d'exigences 5 - Coexistence des logiciels des CV chez le client OI
11 Ensemble d'exigences 6 - Opérations
12 Ensemble d'exigences 7 - Interface utilisateur fonctionnelle
- Annexe A (normative) Exigences concernant l'accès aux RMI relatives à la sécurité suivant le système SERMI
- Bibliographie
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