NF EN ISO 21857

NF EN ISO 21857

October 2021
Standard Current

Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries - Prevention of corrosion on pipeline systems influenced by stray currents

This document establishes the general principles for the evaluation and minimization of the effects of stray current corrosion on external surfaces of buried or immersed pipeline systems caused by AC and DC electrical interference. Other stray current effects such as overheating, and interference with welding operations are not covered in this document. A brief description of AC effects, general principles and some guidelines, are provided. NOTE 1 See ISO 18086 for the effects of alternating current on buried or immersed pipelines. Systems that can also be affected by stray currents include buried or immersed metal structures such as the following: a) pipeline systems; b) metal sheathed cables; c) tanks and vessels; d) earthing systems; e) steel reinforcement in concrete; f) sheet steel piling. This document gives guidelines for — the design of cathodic protection systems that might produce stray currents, — the design of pipeline systems, or elements of pipeline systems, which are buried or immersed, and which can be subject to stray current corrosion, and — the selection of appropriate protection or mitigation measures. Internal corrosion risks from stray currents are not dealt with in detail in this document but principles and measures described here can be applicable for minimizing the interference effects. NOTE 2 The impact of electromagnetic interference on above-ground appurtenances of pipeline systems is covered in EN 50443, IEC 61140, IEC 60364-4-41, IEC 60479-1, IEC 60364-5-52, IEC/TS 61201 and IEC/TR 60479-5. This document can also be used for pipeline systems outside of the petrochemical and natural gas industries and other buried or immersed structures. NOTE 3 EN 50162 provides guidance for railway related structures.

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Main informations


National standards and national normative documents

Publication date

October 2021

Number of pages

76 p.


NF EN ISO 21857

ICS Codes

75.200   Petroleum products and natural gas handling equipment

Classification index


Print number


International kinship

European kinship

EN ISO 21857:2021
Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries - Prevention of corrosion on pipeline systems influenced by stray currents

This document establishes the general principles for the evaluation and minimization of the effects of stray current corrosion on external surfaces of buried or immersed pipeline systems caused by AC and DC electrical interference.

Other stray current effects such as overheating, and interference with welding operations are not covered in this document.

A brief description of AC effects, general principles and some guidelines, are provided.

NOTE 1 See ISO 18086 for the effects of alternating current on buried or immersed pipelines.

Systems that can also be affected by stray currents include buried or immersed metal structures such as the following:

a) pipeline systems;

b) metal sheathed cables;

c) tanks and vessels;

d) earthing systems;

e) steel reinforcement in concrete;

f) sheet steel piling.

This document gives guidelines for

— the design of cathodic protection systems that might produce stray currents,

— the design of pipeline systems, or elements of pipeline systems, which are buried or immersed, and which can be subject to stray current corrosion, and

— the selection of appropriate protection or mitigation measures.

Internal corrosion risks from stray currents are not dealt with in detail in this document but principles and measures described here can be applicable for minimizing the interference effects.

NOTE 2 The impact of electromagnetic interference on above-ground appurtenances of pipeline systems is covered in EN 50443, IEC 61140, IEC 60364-4-41, IEC 60479-1, IEC 60364-5-52, IEC/TS 61201 and IEC/TR 60479-5.

This document can also be used for pipeline systems outside of the petrochemical and natural gas industries and other buried or immersed structures.

NOTE 3 EN 50162 provides guidance for railway related structures.

Table of contents
  • Avant-propos
  • 1 Domaine d'application
  • 2 Références normatives
  • 3 Termes et définitions
  • 4 Abréviations et symboles
  • 5 Échange d'informations et coopération
  • 6 Sources fréquentes d'interférences susceptibles de provoquer la corrosion
  • 7 Identification et mesurage des interférences dues aux courants vagabonds
  • 8 Critères d'acceptation relatifs aux interférences en courant continu
  • 9 Réduction de l'influence des courants vagabonds issus d'une source de courant continu
  • 10 Modifications de la structure subissant des interférences
  • 11 Inspection et maintenance
  • Annexe A (informative) Utilisation de sondes de courant pour évaluer les interférences dues à des courants vagabonds fluctuants sur des structures protégées cathodiquement
  • Annexe B (informative) Détermination de l'emplacement approprié pour l'installation d'électrodes de référence, de témoins et de sondes en cas de couplage inductif causé par des courants vagabonds
  • Annexe C (informative) Principes de fonctionnement des sondes à résistance électrique
  • Annexe D (informative) Interférences géomagnétiques
  • Annexe E (informative) Interférences dues au courant continu haute tension
  • Annexe F (informative) Influence des courants alternatifs
  • Annexe G (informative) Effets des marées
  • Annexe H (informative) Influence des installations photovoltaïques
  • Annexe I (informative) Modélisation des effets liés à l'influence des courants vagabonds sur les conduites protégées cathodiquement
  • Annexe J (informative) Évaluation du risque de corrosion pour le béton armé ou pour des structures protégées cathodiquement dans des conditions d'interférences variables dans le temps
  • Annexe K (informative) Principes des interférences anodique et cathodique
  • Bibliographie
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