NF ISO 13779-3

NF ISO 13779-3

September 2019
Standard Current

Implants for surgery - Hydroxyapatite - Part 3 : chemical analysis and characterization of crystallinity ratio and phase purity

This document specifies methods of test for the chemical analysis, assessment of crystallinity ratio and phase composition of hydroxyapatite-based materials such as powders, coating or bulk products. NOTE These tests are intended to describe properties of the material and to communicate these between organizations. These tests are not written with the objective of replacing a company's internal operational and assessment tests although they could be used as such.

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Main informations


National standards and national normative documents

Publication date

September 2019

Number of pages

38 p.


NF ISO 13779-3

ICS Codes

11.040.40   Implants for surgery, prosthetics and orthotics

Classification index


Print number


International kinship

Implants for surgery - Hydroxyapatite - Part 3 : chemical analysis and characterization of crystallinity ratio and phase purity

This document specifies methods of test for the chemical analysis, assessment of crystallinity ratio and phase composition of hydroxyapatite-based materials such as powders, coating or bulk products.

NOTE These tests are intended to describe properties of the material and to communicate these between organizations. These tests are not written with the objective of replacing a company's internal operational and assessment tests although they could be used as such.

Replaced standards (1)
NF ISO 13779-3
April 2008
Standard Cancelled
Implants for surgery - Hydroxyapatite - Part 3 : chemical analysis and characterization of crystallinity and phase purity

<p>ISO 13779-3:2008 specifies methods of test for the chemical analysis and assessment of crystallinity and phase composition of hydroxyapatite-based materials such as coatings and sintered products.</p>

Table of contents
View the extract
  • 1 Domaine d'application
  • 2 Références normatives
  • 3 Termes et définitions
  • 4 Analyse chimique
  • 5 Analyse par diffraction de rayons
  • 6 Rapport d'essai
  • Annexe A Contamination du phosphate de calcium
  • Annexe B Essais relatifs à la pureté des phases utilisées dans la réalisation des abaques
  • Annexe C Exemples de diffractogrammes de rayons X réalisés à partir de divers mélanges utilisés pour construire les abaques
  • Annexe D Positions des raies de l'hydroxyapatite utilisées pour mesurer le rapport de cristallinité
  • Annexe E Méthodes de préparation des matériaux de référence
  • Annexe F Calcul de l'incertitude du rapport Ca:P
  • Annexe G Analyse quantitative de phases (AQP) par affinement de Rietveld des données de diffraction
  • Annexe H Méthode alternative: Détermination du rapport de cristallinité
  • Bibliographie
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