NF ISO 23054-1

NF ISO 23054-1

October 2022
Standard Current

Railway applications - Track geometry quality - Part 1 : characterization of track geometry and track geometry quality

This document defines track geometry parameters and specifies the minimum requirements for track geometry measurements and the evaluation method for track geometry quality. This document is applicable to 1 435 mm and wider track gauges. The urban/light rail systems, tramways and any track gauge narrower than 1 435 mm are excluded from the scope of this document, however it can be used as a reference.

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Main informations


National standards and national normative documents

Publication date

October 2022

Number of pages

40 p.


NF ISO 23054-1

ICS Codes

45.080   Rails and railway components

Classification index


Print number


International kinship

Railway applications - Track geometry quality - Part 1 : characterization of track geometry and track geometry quality

This document defines track geometry parameters and specifies the minimum requirements for track geometry measurements and the evaluation method for track geometry quality.

This document is applicable to 1 435 mm and wider track gauges. The urban/light rail systems, tramways and any track gauge narrower than 1 435 mm are excluded from the scope of this document, however it can be used as a reference.

Table of contents
  • 1 Domaine d'application
  • 2 Références normatives
  • 3 Termes et définitions, symboles et abréviations
  • 4 Description du système de coordonnées de voie
  • 5 Définition des paramètres géométriques de la voie
  • 6 Exigences relatives au mesurage de la géométrie de la voie
  • 7 Méthode d'évaluation de la géométrie de la voie
  • Annexe A (informative) Analyse supplémentaire et paramètres
  • Annexe B (informative) Mesure de l'accélération
  • Annexe C (normative) Exigences applicables aux filtres
  • Annexe D (informative) Renseignements sur le filtrage
  • Annexe E (informative) Processus de décoloration
  • Bibliographie
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