NF ISO 23794

NF ISO 23794

January 2006
Standard Cancelled

Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Abrasion testing - Guidance

ISO 23794:2003 provides guidance on the determination of the abrasion resistance of vulcanized and thermoplastic rubbers. It covers both solid and loose abrasives. The guidelines given in ISO 23794:2003 are intended to assist in the selection of an appropriate test method and appropriate test conditions for evaluating a material and assessing its suitability for a product subject to abrasion. Factors influencing the correlation between laboratory abrasion testing and product performance are considered, but this International Standard is not concerned with wear tests developed for specific finished rubber products, for example trailer tests for tyres.

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Main informations


National standards and national normative documents

Publication date

January 2006

Number of pages

19 p.


NF ISO 23794

ICS Codes

83.060   Rubber

Classification index


Print number

1 - 08/12/2005

International kinship

ISO 23794:2003
Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Abrasion testing - Guidance

ISO 23794:2003 provides guidance on the determination of the abrasion resistance of vulcanized and thermoplastic rubbers. It covers both solid and loose abrasives.

The guidelines given in ISO 23794:2003 are intended to assist in the selection of an appropriate test method and appropriate test conditions for evaluating a material and assessing its suitability for a product subject to abrasion. Factors influencing the correlation between laboratory abrasion testing and product performance are considered, but this International Standard is not concerned with wear tests developed for specific finished rubber products, for example trailer tests for tyres.

Standard replaced by (1)
NF ISO 23794
April 2010
Standard Cancelled
Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Abrasion testing - Guidance

<p>ISO 23794:2010 provides guidance on the determination of the abrasion resistance of vulcanized and thermoplastic rubbers. It covers both solid and loose abrasives.</p> <p>The guidelines given are intended to assist in the selection of an appropriate test method and appropriate test conditions for evaluating a material and assessing its suitability for a product subject to abrasion. Factors influencing the correlation between laboratory abrasion testing and product performance are considered, but this International Standard is not concerned with wear tests developed for specific finished rubber products, for example trailer tests for tyres.</p>

Table of contents
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  • Avant-propos
  • 1
    Domaine d'application 1
  • 2
    Références normatives 1
  • 3
    Termes et définitions 1
  • 4
    Mécanismes d'usure 2
  • 5
    Types d'essai d'abrasion 3
  • 6
    Agents abrasifs 4
  • 7
    Conditions d'essai 5
  • 8
    Appareillage d'essai d'abrasion 6
  • 9
    Matériaux de référence 7
  • 10
    Mode opératoire d'essai 8
  • 11
    Expression des résultats 13
  • Bibliographie
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