NF EN ISO 20418-3
Textiles - Qualitative and quantitative proteomic analysis of some animal hair fibres - Part 3 : peptide detection using LC-MS without protein reduction
This document specifies a qualitative and quantitative procedure to determine the composition of animal hair fibre blends (made of wool, cashmere, yak, alpaca, camel or angora) by LC-MS without protein reduction. NOTE 1 The composition of non-animal hair fibres can be measured by ISO 1833 (all parts). Both results are combined to determine the total fibre composition. The method is based on a preliminary identification, by light microscopy, of all fibres in the blend on the basis of their morphology, according to ISO/TR 11827[4]. It is not applicable if fibres of the same animal species (such as blends of cashmere and mohair) are present. NOTE 2 In this case, the quantitative analysis is performed using microscopical analysis [for example, ISO 17751 (all parts)].
This document specifies a qualitative and quantitative procedure to determine the composition of animal hair fibre blends (made of wool, cashmere, yak, alpaca, camel or angora) by LC-MS without protein reduction.
NOTE 1 The composition of non-animal hair fibres can be measured by ISO 1833 (all parts). Both results are combined to determine the total fibre composition.
The method is based on a preliminary identification, by light microscopy, of all fibres in the blend on the basis of their morphology, according to ISO/TR 11827[4]. It is not applicable if fibres of the same animal species (such as blends of cashmere and mohair) are present.
NOTE 2 In this case, the quantitative analysis is performed using microscopical analysis [for example, ISO 17751 (all parts)].
1 Domaine d'application
2 Références normatives
3 Termes et définitions
4 Symboles et abréviations
5 Principe
6 Réactifs
7 Appareillage
8 Méthode d'essai
9 Rapport d'essai
- Annexe A Marqueurs peptidiques de fibres de cachemire, de laine de mouton et de yack
- Annexe B Exemple de conditions d'analyse LC-MS
- Annexe C Analyse de fibres de chameau, d'alpaga et d'angora
- Annexe D Exemple de chromatogrammes de masse de marqueurs peptidiques
- Annexe E Résultats de l'étude interlaboratoires
- Bibliographie
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