NF ISO 10190

NF ISO 10190

August 2008
Standard Current

Motorcycle chains - Characteristics and test methods

ISO 10190:2008 specifies the dimensions and mechanical properties of roller and bush chains (together with details of associated chain sprockets), in the range 6,35 mm to 19,05 mm pitch, for use in motorcycle applications. These chains are suitable for external drives (e.g. rear drives). ISO 10190:2008 covers dimensions, tolerances, length measurement, preloading, minimum tensile strength and minimum dynamic strength.

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Main informations


National standards and national normative documents

Publication date

August 2008

Number of pages

22 p.


NF ISO 10190

ICS Codes

43.140   Motorcycles and mopeds

Classification index


Print number

1 - 30/07/2008

International kinship

Motorcycle chains - Characteristics and test methods

ISO 10190:2008 specifies the dimensions and mechanical properties of roller and bush chains (together with details of associated chain sprockets), in the range 6,35 mm to 19,05 mm pitch, for use in motorcycle applications. These chains are suitable for external drives (e.g. rear drives).

ISO 10190:2008 covers dimensions, tolerances, length measurement, preloading, minimum tensile strength and minimum dynamic strength.

Replaced standards (1)
NF ISO 10190
December 1993
Standard Cancelled
Motor cycle chains. Characteristics and test methods.

Table of contents
  • Avant-propos
  • Introduction
  • 1 Domaine d'application
  • 2 Références normatives
  • 3 Chaînes pour motocycles
  • 3.1 Nomenclature des chaînes et des éléments de chaînes
  • 3.2 Désignation
  • 3.3 Dimensions
  • 3.4 Exigences de performance et essais
  • 3.5 Marquage
  • 4 Pignons dentés
  • Annexe A (normative) Autres spécifications pour pignons dentés utilisés dans les transmissions externes
  • Annexe B (informative) Valeurs d'origine
  • Annexe C (normative) Méthode de détermination de la force d'essai maximale, Fmax, lors de la réalisation d'un essai de conformité de résistance dynamique
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